Snagajob - Jobs Hiring Now

by, Inc.



Find flexible, hourly jobs hiring near you in restaurant, retail & hospitality!

Snagajob is the #1 free, easy job finder app to find part-time jobs and full-time jobs, make job applications easier, get great career advice and more. Great for students, teens or anyone who needs flexible hours. Plus, Snagajob is better than Indeed, Monster or ZipRecruiter because we only have hourly jobs, so it makes your job search easier.Snagajob features:Find local jobs—search by location or keywords Find out who’s hiring in your area with map searchGet Daily Job Matches sent to your inbox Use search filters including distance, availability and job typeApply to jobs with just one click and see application status updatesTake employee personality quizzes and get matched with jobs that are right for youDownload the Snagajob app today and make it easy to look for restaurant, retail, hospitality, customer service, administrative, seasonal jobs and more.Need help? Have a question? Email [email protected]!Better wage estimates on jobs, more kinds of jobs when you search, and the ability to skip right to interviews for jobs youre pre-qualified for!

Read trusted reviews from application customers

Fantastic for family and friends, recently just started the application again and am using it more frequently.

Ventress Moseley

12/20/19 For almost four weeks now, the app crashes completely, deleting any changes or progress, once you leave a job description. 4/27/22 switched to indeed after op, no problems. New phone, didn't pay attention between the job apps. This app is full of spam and fake jobs. Email immediately flooded with spam. Reporting does no good.

Ferol Sellon

I can't even sign into my account. It keeps asking me to sign up and no option to sign in. Just tells me there's already an account with my email. Duh... I've never had an issue in the past with old versions of the app. Guess I'm not using SnagAJob for this job hunt cause I'm not creating a new account just to be able to use the app instead of the mobile website.

Carmen Campbell

This is just a glorified webpage, I use Firefox as my default browser and this uses my extentions from it with no way of actually controlling them. POS App, just use the mobile site.

Wesley Wilson

I just download the app and when I go to apply it won't let me apply it won't go through to anything it just stays on that first page and that never happened

#Small Business

Horrible I just redownloaded it and it kept reloading the same page where I couldn't even sign in

alicia marie chappell


GOD OF war War

I personally liked the old version of this app because it gave me more filters and posted jobs that were actually near me. Now it shows jobs that are in another state and there isn't an actual way to make it, even 5 miles from me, to have it at my zip code as the app requires. Simplistic menus are easy but not when you're trying to find a job that is close. Sorry guys... :(

Kellianne Kernell

I created a account got hired for a job.but it won't show up to my employer.they tell me I have to make a new account.repeat it has been three days and I am thinking it's a total wash

michelle hurt

The people who are on disability or learning impairments should be hired too but that's the problem they want them to work faster but not slower. But the problem is this they work too slowly and they don't want to take care of people with learning disabilities or impairments or even any type of disabilities because they want them to work faster. They need a 🤖 to work there.

Candace Cassidy